The Dixie Stenberg and Brassy Battalion Adventure Theater
An original, aerial sci-fi action/comedy adventure serial audio drama, done as an homage/spoof of OTR! Daring test pilot Dixie Stenberg leads a motley squadron of pilots to battle a shadowy Nazi nemesis at the height of WWII, with robots, rayguns and moxie to spare! A complete 50 episode adventure!
We have voluntarily self-rated this production as PG. Parental guidance suggested.
Steve Anderson | Actor | Reginald Billingsley |
David Ault | Actor | SCAR Trooper 2 |
Alicia Marie Barton | Actor | Esmerelda |
Kristen Bays | Actor | The Umket Triplets |
Tilly Bridges | Creator, Writer, Actor | Commercial Announcer |
Susan Bridges | Creator, Writer | |
Chris Brittain | Actor | Thomas Galen |
Bruce Busby | Assistant Director (45-50) | |
Jerry Crawford | Actor | The Dean |
Justin Daube | Actor | Volker |
Bill Fisher | Director (45-50) | |
Amanda Fitzwater | Actor | Nebulon, Nebulon 2000 |
Andrea Fontenot | Actor | Francie |
M Sieiro Garcia | Actor | Neve, Miss Fortune Divine |
Jim Hamilton | Assistant Director (37-44) | |
Tracy Hall | Actor | Violet LaRue |
Meliss Autumn Hearne | Actor | Rose LaRue |
Chip Joel | Actor | Generally Intelligent Joe |
Melissa Johnson | Actor | Daisy LaRue |
Rene Christine Jones | Actor | Dixie Stenberg |
Alicia Laine Pickens | Actor | Lily LaRue |
Jeremiah McCoy | Actor | Archibald Withersby |
David Alexander McDonald | Actor | Walther Falkenstein |
Pete Milan | Actor | Freudenberg |
Michael K. Moss | Actor | Mrs. Scalzetti |
Marleigh Norton | Actor | Iris LaRue |
Ara Pelodi | Actor | Ursula Unger |
Ryan Pickens | Actor | Robot 153 |
Anthony Piselli | Actor | Joey Scalzetti |
Megan Pressley | Actor | Buttercup LaRue |
Kathryn Pryde | Actor | Vreni/Geist |
Abner Senires | Actor | Jacques the Backer, Harry the CEO |
Seth Adam Sher | Director (1-44), Actor | Announcer |
R. Francis Smith | Actor | Sam the Butcher |
Scott Vinnacombe | Actor | Cornelius Robert Sims Pearson |
Philip Weber | Actor | SCAR Trooper 1 |
Perry Whittle | Actor | Benedikt Adarchenko |
Mike Winters | Actor | Radulf Pelzer |
Bill Young | Actor | The Amazing Nowell |
Mark Zaricor | Actor | Frank McGuff |
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Pendant show "Umket Industries Presents: The Dixie Stenberg and Brassy Battalion Adventure Theater" was a finalist in the Best Audio Drama Short Form category of the 2011 Parsec Awards! |
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Winner of 2010 Pendy for Best Pendant Production Winner of 2010 Pendy for Best Writing in a Pendant Production Winner of 2010 Pendy for Best Lead Actor in a Pendant Production Winner of 2010 Pendy for Best Musical Performance in a Pendant Production Winner of 2010 Pendy for Best Hero in a Pendant Production Winner of 2010 Pendy for Best Villain in a Pendant Production Winner of 2010 Pendy for Best Supporting Actor in |
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Winner of 2009 Pendy for Best Direction in a Pendant Production Winner of 2009 Pendy for Best Musical Performance in a Pendant Production Winner of 2009 Pendy for Best Comic Relief in a Pendant Production Winner of 2009 Pendy for Best Supporting Actor in |
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Pendant show "Umket Industries Presents: The Dixie Stenberg and Brassy Battalion Adventure Theater" was a finalist in the Best Audio Drama Short Form category of the 2009 Parsec Awards! |
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Winner of 2008 Pendy for Best Direction in a Pendant Production Winner of 2008 Pendy for Best Musical Performance in a Pendant Production Winner of 2008 Pendy for Best Supporting Actor in |
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Winner of 2007 Pendy for Best Pendant Production Winner of 2007 Pendy for Best Musical Performance in a Pendant Production Winner of 2007 Pendy for Sexiest Voice in a Pendant Production Winner of 2007 Pendy for Best Comic Relief in a Pendant Production Winner of 2007 Pendy for Best Supporting Actor in |
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Winner of 2006 Pendy for Best Pendant Production Winner of 2006 Pendy for Best Writing in a Pendant Production Winner of 2006 Pendy for Best Supporting Actor in |
Episode Archive
The Austral Leviathan
Episode Number: 27The Battalion hunts for SCAR, who hunt for the deadly beast! Villainous secrets are revealed, and an enemy gets an upgrade!
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB27master.mp3
Commentary download: DixieStenbergABB27commentary.mp3
Cover art by Kristen Bays.
Release Date: November 3, 2008
Run Time: 26:01The Meridional Contemplation
Episode Number: 26Strained tensions cloud Brassy Battalion, as the forces of SCAR go hunting through the jungle only to become the prey!
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB26master.mp3
Commentary download: DixieStenbergABB26commentary.mp3
Cover art by Kristen Bays.
Release Date: October 6, 2008
Run Time: 22:08The Belly Deep Slough
Episode Number: 25Another year has passed and Brassy Battalion has taken the fight to the front lines of the war! They may soon discover, however, that things are more turbulent at home than in the skies over Germany!
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB25master.mp3
Commentary download: DixieStenbergABB25commentary.mp3
Cover art by Kristen Bays.
Release Date: September 1, 2008
Run Time: 26:36The Lamentable Eventuality
Episode Number: 24It's Brassy Battalion vs. SCAR, Robot vs. robot and more of Dixie vs. Geist in all-out war, the results of which may be something none of them expected! Or it could be what everyone expected! Just listen already and find out!
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB24master.mp3
Commentary download: DixieStenbergABB24commentary.mp3
Cover art by Kristen Bays.
Release Date: July 4, 2008
Run Time: 18:38The Elixir Incident
Episode Number: 23It's Dixie vs. Geist, round two, and this time Dixie's evened the playing field! But for how long? Billingsley chooses a partner and Brassy Battalion arrives on the scene!
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB23master.mp3
Commentary download: DixieStenbergABB23commentary.mp3
Cover art by Kristen Bays.
Release Date: June 2, 2008
Run Time: 23:36The Payback Under the Pacific
Episode Number: 22Brassy Battalion is on a sub, on a mission and on the hunt for their leader! A wounded Dixie is brought before Geist, but she'll still take every chance she gets to rip SCAR apart!
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB22master.mp3
Commentary download: DixieStenbergABB22commentary.mp3
Cover art by Kristen Bays.
Release Date: May 5, 2008
Run Time: 23:28The Savage Struggle
Episode Number: 21Dixie is aboard the underwater SCAR base, but now what? And SCAR won't take this lying down! Cornelius, Frank and Archie have a surprise up their sleeves, one which may just give Brassy Battalion what they need most... hope.
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB21master.mp3
Commentary download: DixieStenbergABB21commentary.mp3
Cover art by Kristen Bays.
Release Date: April 7, 2008
Run Time: 18:17The Subaqueous Substratum
Episode Number: 20Our hero has been shot down! Alone in the dark, in the deep, she must face her failures and her fears in order to survive. But she's not out of fight, never out of fight. Not our Dixie!
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB20master.mp3
Commentary download: DixieStenbergABB20commentary.mp3
Cover art by Kristen Bays.
Release Date: March 3, 2008
Run Time: 26:14The Oracular Spectacular
Episode Number: 19Dixie, strong of mind and strong of will, rebuffs the Battalion and heads after SCAR on her own! She's determined to disrupt their plans, but first she'll have to get through Reginald Billingsley and Zeta Squad, which is easier said than done!
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB19master.mp3
Commentary download: DixieStenbergABB19commentary.mp3
Cover art by Kristen Bays.
Release Date: February 4, 2008
Run Time: 19:38The Amber Avenger
Episode Number: 18Dixie puts the Amber Avenger to the test as Neve springs into action! Brassy Battalion deals with the aftermath of the attack and Billingsley's confidence grows... as does Dixie's determination!
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB18master.mp3
Commentary download: DixieStenbergABB18commentary.mp3
Cover art by Kristen Bays.
Release Date: January 1, 2008
Run Time: 20:57The Attack on AeroQuest
Episode Number: 17Dixie tries to decide what to do with their prisoner, but Neve's not about to just sit around and wait to find out. Zeta Squad comes for their compatriot, and Brassy Battalion is caught unawares and the results spell disaster!
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB17master.mp3
Commentary download: DixieStenbergABB17commentary.mp3
Cover art by Kristen Bays.
Release Date: December 4, 2007
Run Time: 24:29The Mystery Woman
Episode Number: 16Joey and Esmerelda hit it off over a pot of mostaciolli, an interrogation doesn't go as planned, and Thomas Galen's love has arrived -- but just who's side is Neve on?
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB16master.mp3
Commentary download: DixieStenbergABB16commentary.mp3
Cover art by Kristen Bays.
Release Date: November 6, 2007
Run Time: 21:02The Other Side of the Fence
Episode Number: 15Just who did Dixie shoot down in the mountains? Billingsley returns to the SCAR base, and a discussion with Vreni leads to an important acquisition. The troops show off their handiwork and, finally, meet the members of Zeta Squad!
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB15master.mp3
Commentary download: DixieStenbergABB15commentary.mp3
Cover art by Kristen Bays.
Release Date: October 2, 2007
Run Time: 25:35The More Things Change
Episode Number: 14Brassy Battalion has been on a wild goose chase all across the globe as they try to track down the elusive Zeta Squadron! Unfortunately the results have not been as anticipated, but hope may yet be found deep within the San Gabriel mountains!
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB14master.mp3
Cover art by Kristen Bays.
Release Date: September 4, 2007
Run Time: 23:02The Disheartening Discovery
Episode Number: 13The trip back to the United States provides Dixie some time to think, but she's not happy about the conclusions she comes to. A short stop over in Georgia allows for some downtime on the Pearson Peach Plantation, where Cornelius has a few surprising announcements!
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB13master.mp3
Cover art by Kristen Bays.
Release Date: August 7, 2007
Run Time: 22:32The Bastion of Evil
Episode Number: 12Dixie takes the fight to SCAR! It's mayhem and destruction in the skies over Germany, and Brassy Battalion won't rest until the Society for the Continuation of Aggression and Ruination is wiped off the face of the earth! But SCAR won't go down without a fight and Reginald Billingsley has a big secret up his sleeve!
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB12master.mp3
Cover art by Kristen Bays.
Release Date: July 4, 2007
Run Time: 34:03The Anticipation at AeroQuest
Episode Number: 11Vreni and Volker study the beast and get a most unexpected call as Lily and Freudenberg take things to the next level. Withersby has a plan to take SCAR down, but the mission comes with more than its share of risk!
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB11master.mp3
Cover art by Kristen Bays.
Release Date: May 1, 2007
Run Time: 21:44The Compendiary Jubilee
Episode Number: 10Brassy Battalion heads out for a much needed and well-deserved celebration! Just how did Dixie meet McGuff, and what is the most unspeakable secret that only Frank knows? The Battalion gets a new government liaison and Vreni has had more than enough of Volker and Billingsley!
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB10master.mp3
Cover art by Kristen Bays.
Release Date: April 3, 2007
Run Time: 24:26The Donnybrook in Death Valley
Episode Number: 9Billingsley's escaped! Dixie and the Battalion are hot on his trail, leading straight to a base in Death Valley where the full might of the Brassy Battalion is unleashed upon the nefarious Nazis! What is the special gift Fruedenberg has prepared for Lily, and can Volker and Vreni stop the escaped beast before it chews its way through all of SCAR?
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB09master.mp3
Cover art by Kristen Bays.
Release Date: March 6, 2007
Run Time: 23:48The Secret of Reginald Billingsley
Episode Number: 8Does Billingsley work for SCAR? The evidence Dixie finds may provide the answer, but only if Dixie can make it back to AeroQuest Dynamics without getting caught! And what is Freudenberg's first name, and why does Benedikt find it so funny?
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB08master.mp3
Cover art by Kristen Bays.
Release Date: February 6, 2007
Run Time: 22:50The Hidden Truth
Episode Number: 7Freudenberg gives Brassy Battalion a special gift! What happened to Billingsley? What secret is Joey Scalzetti hiding? What lurks in the deep, dark SCAR dungeon? And who's the mysterious person in McGuff's office?
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB07master.mp3
Release Date: January 2, 2007
Run Time: 23:31The Rescue of Thomas Galen
Episode Number: 6Dixie and Cornelius head straight into Nazi Germany on a rescue mission, and find more than they bargained for deep beneath the earth! The beast is alive, SCAR is hot on their tail and... someone has vanished!
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB06master.mp3
Release Date: December 5, 2006
Run Time: 26:00The Traitor Within
Episode Number: 5The Brassy Battalion members are at each other's throats! Who is the traitor, and what has become of poor Thomas Galen? Dixie finally comes up with a plan, and just what is the vicious Vreni hiding?
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB05master.mp3
Release Date: November 7, 2006
Run Time: 19:36The Skirmish at Stuttgart
Episode Number: 4Dixie and crew go into live combat for the first time, on a precision strike right into the heart of Germany! But just what does the villainous Volker have planned and will all of Brassy Battalion make it back home?
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB04master.mp3
Release Date: October 3, 2006
Run Time: 21:01The Global Menagerie
Episode Number: 3Dixie meets her new colleagues with the official formation of the First Brassy Battalion Fighter Squadron! An eclectic bunch of green recruits from around the world are now under Dixie's command, but do they have any hope of working together if they can't even get along? And just who are SCAR, and what is their dastardly plan?
Episode download: DixieStenbergABB03master.mp3
Release Date: September 5, 2006
Run Time: 19:00