This Week in Pendant

TWIP is a weekly round-up of Pendant's shows, featuring news, interviews, preview trailers and generally more than you probably ever wanted to know about Pendant Productions!

The content of TWIP varies and may, at times, contain adult language and themes.


You may submit general Pendant questions at any time, as well as questions for upcoming interview guests.

Submit your questions now!

The theme to TWIP is "Mister Exposition"
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Episode Archive

  • Forty-fifth episode

    Episode Number: 45

    Big news to the third power! Quick Audio is coming to your earholes early next year, and there'll be so much of it you better be prepared to not drown in the very frequent awesome. "Seminar" makes it to the finalist round in two different Parsec Awards categories, because it is awesome. Our TEN YEAR anniversary is just weeks away, so get ready for Ten Days of Pendant to celebrate! Jordan and Darian Lindle discuss making out, Firefly, and cows & motorcycles, and other things are afoot! AFOOOOT.

    Episode download: TWIP045master.mp3

    Release Date: August 3, 2014

    Run Time: 30:48
  • Forty-fourth episode

    Episode Number: 44

    Guess what? "Phantom Canyon" still needs your reviews. So get on it already, willya? Please? The semi-annual Pendant fund drive is about to commence, get the deets inside. And also the details. But also partially deets. We've got preview trailers for "The Kingery" episode 7x03 and "Twelfth Night" act III in "The Pendant Shakespeare", and Jordan and Marleigh Norton discuss softball questions, voice fatigue and snarky ghosts! Who wants a PatStew sexbot?

    Episode download: TWIP044master.mp3

    Release Date: July 6, 2014

    Run Time: 45:54
  • Forty-third episode

    Episode Number: 43

    Get some more (this time actual) news about how our podcasting panel at the Long Beach Comic Expo went... you know, if you're into that kind of thing. "Dixie" gets some love, the Parsec Awards get some entries, "The Pendant Shakespeare" does the splits, and our good friends at "The Kaniss Chronicles" have a new preview to delight the senses! We've got a preview trailer for "Seminar" episode 57, and Jordan and Barbra Dillon discuss conventions, headstrong women and Pittsburghese! Velcome to ze show!

    Episode download: TWIP043master.mp3

    Release Date: June 15, 2014

    Run Time: 45:54
  • Forty-second episode

    Episode Number: 42

    Happy June! Were you at the Pendant Picnic in Los Angeles a few weeks ago? If not, find out what you missed and be jealous. The Long Beach Comic Expo is this weekend, and contrary to someone who was misinformed, our podcasting panel was yesterday (not today). OOPS. And what are you doing this coming fall? Watching "The Librarians" on TNT, I hope! We've got preview trailers for "The Kingery" episode 7x02 and Act II of "Twelfth Night" in "The Pendant Shakespeare", and Jordan and Rene Christine Jones discuss pinball in interviews, being smart and murderous, and the tasty Egg Macduffin. Grab your helibeanies and get listening!

    Episode download: TWIP042master.mp3

    Release Date: June 1, 2014

    Run Time: 1:31:46
  • Forty-first episode

    Episode Number: 41

    The Pendant Picnic is in one week on May 18, so get the details and come hang with your fellow Pendulums! We've got a podcasting panel at Long Beach Comic Expo on June 1, so come on out for that, too! We've got news on "The Kingery" writing staff and maybe even a little surprise regarding your hosts and Top Cow comics! We've got preview trailers for "Twelfth Night" act I in "The Pendant Shakespeare" and "Tabula Rasa" episode 2x05, and Jordan and Adin Rudd discuss female leads, stage acting and abrasive characters! Time to find out who's the Joffrey of "Phantom Canyon".

    Episode download: TWIP041master.mp3

    Release Date: May 11, 2014

    Run Time: 41:26
  • Fortieth episode

    Episode Number: 40

    New shows are in the planning stages! Or are they? Maybe! Yes! Sort of? LOOK IT IS STILL NEWS OKAY. The Pendant Picnic is May 18, less than a month away! Get your details and make your plans lest ye be missing it! We've got preview trailers for "Seminar" episode 56 and the season seven premiere of "The Kingery", and Jordan and Landon Beall discuss Dixie weekends, gateway drugs and laugh tracks! THWIP.

    Episode download: TWIP040master.mp3

    Release Date: April 27, 2014

    Run Time: 52:10
  • Thirty-ninth episode

    Episode Number: 39

    The Pendant Picnc is May 18 in Los Angeles, get the deets and be there or be absent! Pendant will be featured in a podcasting panel coming up at the Long Beach Comic Expo on May 31, so stop by if you're in the area! News on an editor change and "Phantom Canyon" still needs your ratings and reviews! Help a western horror show out, won't you? We've got an exclusive preview of The Sonnets part six in "The Pendant Shakespeare" and a preview trailer for Tabula Rasa episode 2x04, and Jordan and Pete Milan discuss man-harpies, puppy giggles and tenuous reality! Pop pop pop!

    Episode download: TWIP039master.mp3

    Release Date: April 13, 2014

    Run Time: 58:05
  • Thirty-eighth episode

    Episode Number: 38

    "PHANTOM CANYON" is out and movin' on up the charts at iTunes thanks to YOUR reviews! But we need more of them, so please keep them coming... on iTunes, Amazon, Audible and Goodreads! Pendant took home ELEVEN Audio Verse Awards, thanks so much to everyone who voted for us and all of our hardworking cast and crew across all our shows. "The Kingery" returns on May 7, and the Pendant Picnic is May 18! We've got a preview trailer for "Tabula Rasa" episode 2x03, and Jordan and Alicen Moser discuss body parts, cartoons and making out with the weather!

    Episode download: TWIP038master.mp3

    Release Date: March 16, 2014

    Run Time: 45:18
  • Thirty-seventh episode

    Episode Number: 37

    "PHANTOM CANYON" is here, and it's two and a half hours of kick your ass awesome! Get the details and your first taste of the show, with five solid minutes of western horror action! "Tabula Rasa" is taking a midseason hiatus, and the Pendant Picnic is May 18 and we hope to see you there! We've got an exclusive preview clip of "Henderson and Havner" episode 8 and a preview trailer for "Othello" act V in "The Pendant Shakespeare", and Jordan and Vincent Morrison discuss made-up words, jazz and making stories come alive. Do you know what we're worth? Tell us!

    Episode download: TWIP037master.mp3

    Release Date: March 2, 2014

    Run Time: 53:46
  • Thirty-sixth episode

    Episode Number: 36

    ALL the website updates? Yes, all of them. Updated cast lists, Pendy award results, release schedule... you name it, we updated it (as long as you name those exact things we just said). "Phantom Canyon" gets the promo poster and is so close to release we can smell it. We've got preview trailers for "Tabula Rasa" episode 2x02 and "Seminar" episode 55, and an exclusive preview clip of "Henderson and Hanver" episode 7! Jordan and M Sieiro Garcia discuss the Welsh, mooks and high heels, and we invite you to join the Post-It Conservation Society!

    Episode download: TWIP036master.mp3

    Release Date: February 16, 2014

    Run Time: 1:08:10
  • Thirty-fifth episode

    Episode Number: 35

    Just when he thought he was already in, we pulled him... further in? Pendant has a new associate producer! "Genesis Avalon" has reached its conclusion, and "Phantom Canyon" is 98% completed, at least! We've got an exclusive preview clip of "Henderson and Hanver" episode 6 and a preview trailer for "Othello" act IV in The Pendant Shakespeare, and Jordan and Tom Stitzer discuss positions of authority, intimidation and Second Life! ZUNE?

    Episode download: TWIP035master.mp3

    Release Date: February 2, 2014

    Run Time: 1:13:53
  • Thirty-fourth episode

    Episode Number: 34

    Today's the last day to get your submissions in for the "Genesis Avalon" episode 50 anniversary reel, so don't delay! "Tabula Rasa" returns this week as the "Phantom Canyon" production journals come to a close, and we've got preview trailers for "Tabula Rasa" episode 2x01, "Genesis Avalon" episode 50, an exclusive preview clip of "Henderson and Havner" episode 5, and Jordan and Joe J. Thomas discuss villains, computer programming and beefcake!

    Episode download: TWIP034master.mp3

    Release Date: January 19, 2014

    Run Time: 53:42
  • Thirty-third episode

    Episode Number: 33

    A new year brings a new TWIP full of new news! "The Kingery" premieres this spring, "Tabula Rasa" gets a new assistant director and a longtime actor steps down. "Seminar" is on the move (and it needs your scripts!), Pendant is on Stitcher, the "Genesis Avalon" 50th episode anniversary reel is imminent (and it needs your contributions!), and we've got cumulative stats for all of Pendant! There's an exclusive clip of "Henderson and Havner" episode 4 and a preview trailer for act III of "Othello" in "The Pendant Shakespeare", Jeffrey and Susan Bridges discuss writing, accents and navel gazing, and we have a small, special tribute to our friend Chip Joel.

    Episode download: TWIP033master.mp3

    Release Date: January 5, 2014

    Run Time: 39:07
  • Thirty-second episode

    Episode Number: 32

    It's the 2013 Pendy Awards, celebrating excellence in Pendant productions as voted on by YOU! Congratulations to all our nominees and winners, and here's to another great year!

    Episode download: TWIP032master.mp3

    Release Date: December 8, 2013

    Run Time: 49:30
  • Thirty-first episode

    Episode Number: 31

    It's your last regular TWIP of 2013! "Henderson and Havner" has premiered, "Tabula Rasa" has an official revised season two premiere date, and December is wonky. As December is wont to do. We've got an exclusive preview clip of "Henderson and Havner" episode 2 and preview trailers for "Genesis Avalon" episode 48, "Othello" act II in The Pendant Shakespeare and "Seminar" episode 54, and Jordan and Kim Gianopoulos discuss professors, the odyssey of the mind and the third level of hell!The next episode shall be most irregular indeed, so get regular while you can. Fiber for everyone!

    Episode download: TWIP031master.mp3

    Release Date: November 17, 2013

    Run Time: 39:51
  • Thirtieth episode

    Episode Number: 30

    New stuff is starting up, and we've got all you need to know about what that stuff is! "Henderson and Havner" gets a release date, and the "Phantom Canyon" production journals have premiered and are full-steam ahead! We have a Pendy Awards correction, an updated release schedule, "Tabula Rasa" premiere date is shifting, "Kingery" season seven scripting has commenced, and we welcome an assistant director to "Phantom Canyon" and an artist back to "The Pendant Shakespeare"! That is a lot of stuff, man. A lot. We've got preview trailers for "Henderon and Havner" episode 1 and act I of "Othello", casting call results for "Twelfth Night" and Jordan and Lyn Cullen discuss math, parenting and martial arts! Grab your anti-gravity, it's time for TWIP.

    Episode download: TWIP030master.mp3

    Release Date: November 3, 2013

    Run Time: 44:26
  • Twenty-ninth episode

    Episode Number: 29

    It's a veritable smorgasbord of Pendant news! The 2013 Pendy Award nominations are final, get the info within! The last "Phantom Canyon" scripts are out for recording, and cast and crew bios for the show have been flying like hotcakes. Wait, hotcakes don't fly, do they? Maybe they SHOULD. "Henderson and Havner" is through production and awaiting a premiere date (and maybe a few final credits). Our release schedule was updated through May 2014, "The Kingery" season seven outline is done, and Anna Rodriguez hosts an Audio Escape and brings Pendant shows to the airwaves. Like ACTUAL airwaves. Whoa. We've got an exclusive preview clip of "The Sonnets" part 5 from "The Pendant Shakespeare", preivew trailers for "Seminar" episode 53 and "Genesis Avalon" episode 47, and Jordan and Richard Casto discuss being in the closet, death scenes and sex machines! LET'S HUG.

    Episode download: TWIP029master.mp3

    Release Date: October 6, 2013

    Run Time: 1:16:54
  • Twenty-eighth episode

    Episode Number: 28

    "The Kingery" writing staff are all coming back, to fill the void of dirty criminal activities in your life! The final "Genesis Avalon" script has gone out, more "Phantom Canyon" cast is revealed and TWIP will be slowing down for a bit. We've got an exclusive preview clip of "Much Ado About Nothing" act V and a preview trailer for "Genesis Avalon" episode 46, and Jordan and Bryan Reid discuss comic relief, petulance and singing! Everybody give Pendant a hug!

    Episode download: TWIP028master.mp3

    Release Date: September 1, 2013

    Run Time: 57:30
  • Twenty-seventh episode

    Episode Number: 27

    "The Kingery" is coming back from hiatus sooner than planned! Not exactly SOON, but soonER, at least! And "Phantom Canyon" bios have started being released so you can meet the cast! We've got preview trailers for the season one finale of "Tabula Rasa" and episode 45 of "Genesis Avalon", and Jordan and Chris Brittain discuss immortal power, flaws and gender roles! In a few short days Pendant turns nine years old. Watch out, next thing you know it'll be calling people "poop head". So immature.

    Episode download: TWIP027master.mp3

    Release Date: August 18, 2013

    Run Time: 52:38
  • Twenty-sixth episode

    Episode Number: 26

    Join us in congratulating the entire cast and crew of "The Pendant Shakespeare", for receiving a finalist nomination in the Parsec Awards audio drama short form category! "Phantom Canyon's" cast will be revealed soon in an all-new format (what? we can try new things sometimes!), and the show will get a podcast of production journals to get you psyched for our first pro release! "Henderson and Havner" is halfway through production, we've got a preview trailer for the season six finale of "The Kingery" and an exclusive preview clip of "Much Ado About Nothing" act IV from "The Pendant Shakespeare", and Jordan and Dave Morgan discuss clone troopers, getting your ass kicked and being an audition ho! Prepare to counter-fire!

    Episode download: TWIP026master.mp3

    Release Date: August 4, 2013

    Run Time: 36:32
  • Twenty-fifth episode

    Episode Number: 25

    The 2013 Pendant Fund Drive is over! THANK YOU so much to everyone who helped make it a smashing success! "Henderson and Havner" proceeds apace through production, "Phantom Canyon" gets a cast and there's a blip of news on "Once Upon a Time in Vegas" (yes, it's true!). We've got preview trailers for "Tabula Rasa" episode 1x09 and "Genesis Avalon" episode 44, and Jordan and Lee Ann Brown discuss mother figures, Dr. Who and bug bites! Wheely!

    Episode download: TWIP025master.mp3

    Release Date: July 21, 2013

    Run Time: 30:24
  • Twenty-fourth episode

    Episode Number: 24

    The 2013 Pendant Fund drive is on until July 14! Please help us keep bringing you excellent original audio dramas! The release schedule has been updated through the end of 2013 (mostly), "Phantom Canyon" gets a composer and a cast (almost), Parsec Award submissions are in, The Pendant Picnic was (car) troubled, and we've used a lot of parentheticals in this (ridiculous) description! We've got the preview trailer for "The Kingery" episode 6x11, an exclusive preview clip of "Much Ado About Nothing" act III, and Jordan and Seth Adam Sher discuss new things, female leads and coming to the party! Did you miss us? We're pretty sure you did.

    Episode download: TWIP024master.mp3

    Release Date: July 7, 2013

    Run Time: 55:11
  • Twenty-third episode

    Episode Number: 23

    The "Phantom Canyon" casting call ends this Friday! Get your auditions in before it's too late. The Pendant Picnic is in a scant two weeks, and we hope to see you there if you're in the general southern California area! "Tabula Rasa" season two scripts are being churned out as we speak, and no new TWIPs until next month! What? We've got preview trailers for "The Kingery" episode 6x10, "Much Ado About Nothing" act II, "Seminar" episode 51, "Tabula Rasa" episode 1x08 and "Genesis Avalon" episode 43, and Jordan and David Ault discuss singing, Benedict Cumberbatch, and accents! Reeeeeaaaaaad! Er, listen. But also read!

    Episode download: TWIP023master.mp3

    Release Date: June 2, 2013

    Run Time: 1:25:23
  • Twenty-second episode

    Episode Number: 22

    "Phantom Canyon" is casting! Get your auditions in by June 7 and fame, riches and accolades will be yours for the taking! Or at the very least professional voice acting credit, and that is a thing that is cool! We've got preview trailers for "Tabula Rasa" 1x07 and "Genesis Avalon" episode 42, and Jordan and Paul Brueggemann discuss NY and LA, art stuff and things, and slimebags! Don't be a douche-hat assbro, okay?

    Episode download: TWIP022master.mp3

    Release Date: May 19, 2013

    Run Time: 43:30
  • Twenty-first episode

    Episode Number: 21

    "Phantom Canyon" and "Henderson and Havner" are steamrolling on, and if that's not enough news for you well then I don't even know you anymore! We've got a preview trailer for "The Kingery" episode 6x09 and an exclusive preview clip of "Much Ado About Nothing" act I, and Jordan and Laura Post discuss ships, bad mama jamas, and picnics on the beach. Prepare your best loogie-less spit and join us, won't you?

    Episode download: TWIP021master.mp3

    Release Date: May 5, 2013

    Run Time: 43:10
