The Kingery

Welcome to the Kingery Road Resort and Casino, the galaxy’s premiere vacation destination. Stop by the casino, take a stroll down to Shenanigans or visit the famous Saley, Onks and Liddle for a trip you’ll never forget. Just watch your step, because if you cross the boss, the Kingery will chew you up and spit you out, a broken shell of what you once were. A full-cast, serial, ongoing sci-fi crime drama.

We have voluntarily self-rated this production as R. Mature subject matter. Listener discretion is advised.


Episode Archive

  • Voice of the Day

    Episode Number: 1 004

    Business is booming and Hooks is more successful than ever, but he's also in way over his head... and his advanced A.I. has very specific ideas about who he spends time with!

    Episode download: TheKingery10x04master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery10x04commentary.mp3

    Transcript: TheKingery10x04transcript.pdf

    Release Date: June 5, 2019

    Run Time: 21:20
  • Day of Deception

    Episode Number: 1 003

    Cassandra and Asa have set up shop as private detectives, the perfect cover on their hunt for a missing friend. But they're not the only ones digging into the past!

    Episode download: TheKingery10x03master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery10x03commentary.mp3

    Transcript: TheKingery10x03transcript.pdf

    Release Date: May 8, 2019

    Run Time: 22:27
  • Day of Our Life

    Episode Number: 1 002

    Tythia's found a new life far from home, but questions from her past still haunt her... and so does some creep in a mask!

    Episode download: TheKingery10x02master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery10x02commentary.mp3

    Transcript: TheKingery10x02ranscript.pdf

    Release Date: April 3, 2019

    Run Time: 20:05
  • Day of the Hot Spot

    Episode Number: 1 001

    The Kingery's a different place these days, and Maddie and Cal have their hands full with rustler gangs and The Fifth!

    Episode download: TheKingery10x01master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery10x01commentary.mp3

    Transcript: TheKingery10x01transcript.pdf

    Release Date: March 6, 2019

    Run Time: 20:09
  • Peace Out

    Episode Number: 912

    Alyson and the Arkells confront the suspected assassins, but it's not going to go the way they think... and Major bares her soul to save the one she loves!


    Episode download: TheKingery9x12master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery9x12commentary.mp3

    Release Date: September 5, 2018

    Run Time: 29:47
  • Might As Well Do Your Worst To Me

    Episode Number: 911

    Socks struggles with her new self, Maddie is back and freaking out, and Major pleads for drastic measures!

    Episode download: TheKingery9x11master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery9x11commentary.mp3

    Release Date: August 8, 2018

    Run Time: 19:21
  • What You Gotta Sell to Raise Hell

    Episode Number: 910

    The evidence against the Fifth's assassin mounts, Major impresses the 'locks, and Jennings has a surprise encounter!

    Episode download: TheKingery9x10master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery9x10commentary.mp3

    Release Date: July 4, 2018

    Run Time: 21:34
  • All the Edge Pieces

    Episode Number: 909

    The Arkells prod their suspects for clues, and Maddie makes a discovery that could break the case wide open!

    Episode download: TheKingery9x09master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery9x09commentary.mp3

    Release Date: June 6, 2018

    Run Time: 21:48
  • Stirring Up Dust

    Episode Number: 908

    Jennings is more than a handful, Hooks has the answers, and Socks gets fancy!

    Episode download: TheKingery9x08master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery9x08commentary.mp3

    Release Date: May 9, 2018

    Run Time: 18:37
  • Apologies in Advance for All Future Collateral Damage

    Episode Number: 907

    Major goes to Hooks for help, the crew pepper their suspects for info on The Fifth, and Maddie digs up a curious clue!

    Episode download: TheKingery9x07master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery9x07commentary.mp3

    Release Date: April 4, 2018

    Run Time: 26:03
  • The Future Ain't What It Used To Be

    Episode Number: 906

    Zeff probes Daken, Cass digs into Papa Arkell's past, and Maddie meets the new Tommy!

    Episode download: TheKingery9x06master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery9x06commentary.mp3

    Release Date: January 10, 2018

    Run Time: 15:46
  • Lock, Stock and A Barrel of Questions

    Episode Number: 905

    The Arkell family pepper their suspects with questions about The Fifth, Kaylock's family arrives, and Maddie's investigation uncovers a surprise!

    Episode download: TheKingery9x05master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery9x05commentary.mp3

    Release Date: December 6, 2017

    Run Time: 22:05
  • Kingery Episode 100 Anniversary Reel

    Celebrating 100 episodes of The Kingery!

    Episode download: TheKingery9x04anniversary.mp3

    Release Date: November 8, 2017

    Run Time: 43:35
  • I Thought It'd Be Bigger

    Episode Number: 904

    The crew locks Tommy down as assassinations riddle the Kingery, but the boss isn't about to sit on his butt when lives are on the line! Time for some drastic measures.

    Episode download: TheKingery9x04master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery9x04commentary.mp3

    Release Date: November 8, 2017

    Run Time: 26:55
  • It is addictive, and with each drink, you want more

    Episode Number: 903

    Maddie tries to say goodbye to her departed father, but not even a funeral is safe at The Kingery!

    Episode download: TheKingery9x03master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery9x03commentary.mp3

    Release Date: October 4, 2017

    Run Time: 19:29
  • Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics

    Episode Number: 902

    Cassandra and Jennings suffer consequences, Zeff and Daken have a spat, and Tommy and Maddie both get some bad news!

    Episode download: TheKingery9x02master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery9x02commentary.mp3

    Release Date: September 6, 2017

    Run Time: 20:19
  • The Secret Ingredient

    Episode Number: 901

    Major cares for Kaylock, Hooks is on the job, Asa's worried, and Papa Arkell is back and things are... weird.

    Episode download: TheKingery9x01master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery9x01commentary.mp3

    Release Date: August 9, 2017

    Run Time: 23:36
  • The Sky is Falling

    Episode Number: 812

    The Kingery crew takes to the skies to defend their home, but find an unwelcome surprise waiting for them. Praise Gorlock!

    Episode download: TheKingery8x12master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery8x12commentary.mp3

    Release Date: October 5, 2016

    Run Time: 24:27
  • Where This Good Paved Road Leads

    Episode Number: 811

    A return to form, a beatdown of jerks and a surprise that could mean the end of the Kingery!

    Episode download: TheKingery8x11master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery8x11commentary.mp3

    Release Date: September 7, 2016

    Run Time: 28:24
  • Healing Work

    Episode Number: 810

    Socks explores her options, Zeff gets suspicious and the Kingery crew go on dates aplenty!

    Episode download: TheKingery8x10master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery8x10commentary.mp3

    Release Date: August 10, 2016

    Run Time: 30:09
  • Complicated Memory-Based Patterns

    Episode Number: 809

    Socks searches, Zeff hesitates, Tythia's charmed, Maddie's had enough and Tommy and Cassandra have a sit down!

    Episode download: TheKingery8x09master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery8x09commentary.mp3

    Release Date: July 6, 2016

    Run Time: 26:30
  • Never Be Satisfied

    Episode Number: 808

    Socks has an existential crisis, Major and Kaylock patch things up, and Maddie and Tommy discover an unwelcome guest!

    Episode download: TheKingery8x08master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery8x08commentary.mp3

    Release Date: June 8, 2016

    Run Time: 20:41
  • Talking Heads, Same as it Ever Was

    Episode Number: 807

    Tythia hits a roadblock, Tommy confides in Zeff, and Cassandra is on the move!

    Episode download: TheKingery8x07master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery8x07commentary.mp3

    Release Date: May 4, 2016

    Run Time: 23:10
  • Between Me and You

    Episode Number: 806

    Tommy and Maddie find friction, Asa stands up for Socks, Zeff dispenses wisdom and Cassandra points things in the right direction!

    Episode download: TheKingery8x06master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery8x06commentary.mp3

    Release Date: February 3, 2016

    Run Time: 20:29
  • How Did I Get Here

    Episode Number: 805

    Maddie's uncomfortable, Kaylock self-medicates, Tythia's at a loss and Cassandra gets noticed!

    Episode download: TheKingery8x05master.mp3

    Commentary download: TheKingery8x05commentary.mp3

    Release Date: January 6, 2016

    Run Time: 26:07
